Shenri Elevator´s Noise Abatement Center
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September R & D Center Meeting
Read: 1879 Author: Mr. elevator source: Elevator noise control release time:2020-01-08

Quality and safety are the life of the enterprise. In order to actively implement the company's safety policy of "everyone's safety and everything's safety prevention is the key to ensure production", our company held the elevator noise reduction construction process training and safety protection operation meeting in the elevator noise control research and development center base in September.


质量与安全是企业的生命,为积极贯彻公司“人人安全  事事安全   预防为主  保证生产”的安全方针,我司9月份在电梯噪声治理研发中心基地内召开了电梯降噪施工作业工艺培训及安全防护作业工作会议。    
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Noise Reduction Hotline: 15986818878

Phone: 0755-86379063

Email: 2072448809@qq.com

Company address: Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

Company website: srzyzl.com

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