Shenri Elevator´s Noise Abatement Center
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深日超高速电梯降噪技术应用实例 | 深圳地区超高层住宅电梯降噪项目安静交付!6
深日原创专栏《我的业绩 我的风采》第 6 章。跟随我们的脚步,带你踏遍天南海北,共同见证深日在全国各地区的电梯降噪案例成果。 2020年5月,我司超高速电梯降噪技术项目在深圳地区再次获得客户满意验收通过。该项目由鸿荣源集团开发,属于地标性高档豪宅项目。鉴于该项目定位档次非常高,因此采用的是……
深日原创专栏《我的业绩 我的风采》第 5 章。跟随我们的脚步,带你踏遍天南海北,共同见证深日在全国各地区的电梯降噪案例成果。 2020年4月中旬,我司在杭州地区又一个前期实施电梯噪声治理项目于小区入伙前成功交付。该小区为中国房地产百强企业金茂集团开发,小区全部为高级精装交付,本次电梯降噪治理内容主要是解决……
——这是深日原创专栏《我的业绩 我的风采》第 4 章。跟随我们的脚步,带你踏遍天南海北,共同见证深日在全国各地区的电梯降噪案例成果。 深日团队专门针对项目后期电梯噪声治理而开发的电梯降噪治理方案,由于不改变电梯参数、不改变房屋结构、降噪治理效果显著、产品的性能安全可靠,因此其降噪产品受到越……
Preliminary prevention and control is the final way to solve the elevator noise ▏ another super 160 elevators noise reduction project in Shenzhen, Japan and Nanchang area is about to be completed and delivered
——This is the third chapter of the original column "my performance and my style". Follow our steps, take you all over the world, and witness the achie……
Shenzhen and Japan elevator machine room noise reduction technology helps high-end luxury houses, another project in Shanghai delivered quietly
Shenzhen and Japan's elevator mute technology helps high-end residential buildings, and another project in Hangzhou will be delivered quietly before joining the group
——This is the first chapter of the original column "my performance and my style". Follow our steps, take you all over the world, and witness the achie……
Ten reasons to choose Shenri

Noise Reduction Hotline: 15986818878

Phone: 0755-86379063

Email: 2072448809@qq.com

Company address: Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

Company website: srzyzl.com

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